Nick Matyas

Nick Matyas is founder of Discovery Walkabout. A charismatic visionary with a diverse background in human development, dispute resolution and business management.

Nick Matyas has more than 45 years experience in International Logistics and Supply Chain Management where he participated in several corporate funded start-ups. He has worked in a wide range of business areas from Accounting to Sales; from Human Resources to Warehousing to Web Development. Nick has held a variety of top corporate management positions, involved in numerous start-ups, and owned private businesses in International Logistics, Global Trade, Web Development, and Business Process Outsourcing. Including experiences in real estate, home building construction, restaurants, living trust management, stock market, and social media.

Currently, Nick is retired but is available as a Board Director and Consultant for strategic initiatives, decision-making, business startups, and social media marketing.

Nick Matyas is not easily categorized. He has answered to many titles: Adventurer, Entrepreneur, Author, Coach, Mentor, Executive, Friend, Father, Caregiver and Son. He has lived many lives...

Many lives, one life... No Boxes please.

Nick can not easily be placed into a box... a true entrepreneur and adventurer starting at age seven mowing lawns, newspaper delivery boy, restaurant busboy, cold call sales ... earning enough to pay cash for his first car a 1971 Super Beetle and college education. Nick has many accomplishments. How many people have graduated from college while working full-time in three years? How many have walked 2,650 miles of the Pacific Crest Trail from Mexico to Canada? How many people have climbed more than fifty peaks in the California Sierra Nevada Range? How many have sailed Australian's Great Barrier Reef? How many have hitchhiked across U.S., Canada, Europe, the former Soviet Baltic Counties and Eastern Europe? How many people have traveled to over 47 countries? How many have bicycled 285 miles in one day; and have bicycled the entire length of Death Valley without support on dirt roads? How many have roamed the streets of Nashville pitching songs to music publishers? How many have done fire walking, become accomplished in positive thinking and holistic modalities? How many have built a multi-million dollar business with only $20,000 in private funding? How many people have met the Dalai Lama? How many people have become a Navajo blood brother? How many people have dedicated 20 years as a caregiver to parents helping them overcome the tragedies of cancer to a peaceful passing? How many people are healthy prescription-free, physically fit, and enthusiastic about living life at 72 years old? How many earned five Super Randonneur Awards in long distance endurance bicycling?

Nick has done all of these adventures and experiences, and many more. Nick is a down-to-earth jeans and t-shirt guy. Humble, unpretentious, and compassionate, living an exceptional and extraordinary life.

Nick believes one of the greatest joys in life is the ability to share skills, talents, and experiences to pass forward what we have learned to others. Nick has an abundance of wisdom, knowledge, and ideas to share.

Nick grew up in Southern California. A graduate of Costa Mesa HS, Orange Coast College, CSU Fullerton and UCI Irvine. California Teaching Certificate at CSU Long Beach. Masters Degree Program at Western Michigan University. Certificate in Alternative Dispute Resolution from University of California, Irvine. Certificate in Divinity. Nick is an avid learner with a wide variety of professional skills trained in: Conflict Management, Mediation, Arbitration, Human Capital Development, Business Strategic Planning, Executive Performance Coaching, and Creative Thinking. An expert in Holistic Fitness, Nutrition, NLP, Appreciative Inquiry, Reiki Master, Feng Shui, Kolbe Index, and Life Coaching.

Coach Nick is available to apply his personal and business experiences, wisdom, and stories toward helping you achieve your personal and business goals.

Nick believes that working smart and diligently produces Success. Traits like honesty, loyalty, compassion, and passion are trademarks of his character. A facilitator and skilled hands-on mentor helping you make smart decision, making sure all goes well.

Email Coach Nick at

Discovery Walkabout is located in Delta, Colorado. We provide virtual and in-person Decision Coaching programs throughout the United States and throughout the World. We work with private individuals, small Business Owners, HR Departments, and Corporate Executives.